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Dreams - 1999


July 1999

July 19, 1999. Very vivid.

I'm in a dark room. A strobe light flashes for a split second and I see people dancing in a club. Then the music hits my ears and I realize I'm at a rave or something. The club is cold and I see nothing but black save for the flashes of blue strobe light. I'm there alone and I suddenly and I suddenly get very panicky. I feel a need to get out of this club, even though I can't. Another flash and my eyes start to search for someone, anyone I know. But with every flash I can't see people's faces, just their dancing. Please, anyone, I think. Another flash and I think I see someone familiar leaning against a wall on the opposite side. John! It's John! I think he must be as scared as me and I take a tentative step forward. The music pulses louder, and the the lights flash more frequently. If I can only get to John I'll be alright. He'll help me. I take a second small step, and the music becomes deafening. The beat actually begins to shake the floor (not to mention my head), making it hard to stand. The lights are flashing on and off furiously, and when I look again, I can't see John. I start to really panic. I step forward and I am falling, falling into the black abyss.



July 22, 1999. Vague.

Coming into the washroom of some facility. Jackie, Heather and others are there, in the boys washroom. They are inspecting the urinals. Jackie has shorter hair – looks very good. Jokingly, I pick her up by the shoulders and move her to the door, saying that I think she's in the wrong bathroom. She comes back to the urinals, blocking me again.


August 1999

August 8, 1999. Vague.

The outlining plot of the Shining. I'm staying in a hotel alone with two other people I don't recognize. There is a Swedish janitor there with us, very blonde, that has gone crazy and trapped us in a narrow, dark storage room. On all the shelves are boxes and in them are guns. The door is open but we stay in there, too scared to move. The Swedish woman didn't bother locking the door because she assumed we'd be too weak to do anything. After a while I stop cowering and muster the courage to take a gun and give it to the other woman and man with me, and then take one myself and go after the janitor. Next thing I remember, we are crouching behind chairs and being fired at from above, on a catwalk that runs across the room. Ducking, I run to the far side of the room, where the ladder that leads up to the catwalk is. As I'm climbing, the Swedish janitor runs out of bullets. When I emerge on the platform, I point the gun at her, not sure if I can kill her or not. She runs to the far end of the catwalk and jumps off. She lands on a series of suspended platforms that act like giant steps down to the green field that lies on the other side. She lands face down on the first platform and splatters in a bloody mess. The other two climb up and we jump down to where her body is. I raise my gun and shoot her in the butt out of anger. The I realize what I've done and say 'Oh no, now, when the police take her, they'll find that bullet and put me in jail.' So I root around in the mess that is her body and come up with the bullet. Then I walk back to the hotel to call the police. When I get there the rest of the hotel staff has returned and I start to tell them about the janitor but the already know. Indeed, an ambulance is outside taking her away and no one suspected we had anything to do with it. I feel very relieved and think, well that's over. –  An epilogue of sorts: I watch this next part like a movie. I am not involved and have no fear. I see the woman and the man that were with me in the hotel, now in an airport saying goodbye to the woman's parents. She leaves them, and starts to walk down a flight of stairs toward the airport entrance. Then I see five people, all baring a striking resemblance to the Swedish janitor, come running towards her from outside, towards the door. The are obviously the dead janitor's family back for revenge. The all drop to the floor and slide towards the entrance. While sliding they pull out guns and shoot the woman down through the glass doors of the airport. I see the woman's parents gathering around their murdered daughter, but it's still like a movie and I just think, hmm, that's a sad ending.



August 12, 1999.

1) Vague. The family on vacation on some beach. It is always overcast and I feel bad somehow, I feel unsafe. I don’t like it on the beach. I think about taking a rowboat all the way across the ocean. I actually foresee some of the trip, how I would stop on the floating islands of ice I'd be sure to find and sleep there for the night. Visions of me rowing along on the blue sea, alone and content.

2) Semi-vivid. Strange feelings in this one. My role in this dream was split. Part of me was watching it, thinking it was a movie. Another part of me was acting in it. But, I came in halfway through the movie so the part of me that was acting in it had to figure out the storyline. I learn that there could be a war in this city. So, for a demonstration, an evil man was going to force a little boy to throw a live grenade in the air and catch it in front of a lot of people. I forget what point he was trying to make. Even the boy's father was in on it. I was very unsettled by the idea. As the boy was practising by a beach the day before he had to perform, I asked the evil man if this was legal. He said because the boy had agreed to do it, yes. Then came the big moment. It was on top of an elegant staircase, and there were people everywhere. The boy looked very nervous and suddenly both halves of me in this dream knew he was going to kill himself. His hands were too shaky. The boy's father was somewhere else, regretting his decision to allow this. For some reason, the evil man trapped the boy in a fishing net and began to lower him to the ground, so he could throw his grenade. I had to stop this, so I jumped on the net of fishing line and tried to free the boy, but I couldn't. Then the father came out and knocked the evil man down and took the net and pulled us both back up to safety. The whole time he was apologizing to his son for everything he had put him through. He was crying and the boy was crying and it was such a happy ending to the movie. Pretty soon I was bawling my eyes out too, both sides of me.



August 15, 1999. Semi-vivid.

Ted and I are camping out in a site full of other campers, much like Hillside. In the morning him and Jay go out on a scavenger hunt that I prepared, like the one I made for John. It starts to pour rain and soon I can't follow their progress from a distance. So I go back to our tent and Ted and Jay are back there, drinking. I'm about to ask for a beer myself when someone comes running to the campsites, shouting 'They're coming!' At first I'm scared, then I remember we are allowed to be there and I say so. Then I add that I didn't think Jay was allowed to be there, though. Jay immediately exits our tent and runs away.



August 16, 1999. Semi-vivid.

My family took a trip to the bank and I found some loop-hole where I bought these bonds or something and they had to double my account automatically. So I bought a bunch of these and ended up with eleven hundred dollars. In the car on the way back I was bragging to the family that I had beat the system.



August 17, 1999. Vivid.

I've done something to upset the family, badly, and they are now very mad at me. They chase me around and I know that if mom and dad or uncle Ralph simply touch me, I will die. So they chase me around the house, and, terrified, the adrenaline makes me quicker and I duck under their arms, barely. There is a series of narrow escapes. I contemplate running to Bull Frog Mall to hide in the park but decide against it. Eventually I run outside and it is a winter's night. I run up the far sidewalk on Metcalfe, thinking I had tricked them and they didn't know where I was. I just kept thinking that if I could get to John's I'd be alright. I was terrified but I couldn't run fast. I trudged slower and slower and I was scared dad would find me out. I cursed against the thick snow on the sidewalk that was slowing me down (or maybe it was just that feeling of being unable to run that happens in dreams). Then up ahead I see neighbour Jordan go sledding down the snowy sidewalk on his stomache. There is a green spike on the front of the sled, cutting a path through the snow. He stops right in front of me and gets up, laughing. I have a feeling of dread. I'm sure Jordan will go home and mention to my dad that he saw me walking, and then the game would be over and I'd die. Nervous, I asked Jordan if he was having fun sledding out here. He said he was, but he was done now and he was heading home. Then he began walking away and I turned to him, ready to tell him not to tell anyone he saw me here. Then I thought that might just peak his curiosity and he'd be more likely to tell someone. I hesitated, not sure what to do, then turned around without saying anything. Next thing I knew, the orange light of the streetlights were gone, replaced by the blue shadows of the moon. I'm at Gabe's house (but it looked more like uncle Ralph's house). I'm inside his garage and I see the automatic door close on dad and uncle Ralph just before they can get it and kill me. Shoot! I think. They saw me, they know I'm here. I thought I could maybe still sneak inside Gabe's house. I leave the garage from the back and enter the back yard. There are a bunch of wooden fences, gates, and porches. Beyond these I can see a light on in the house. Focusing on that light I start hopping the fences. Suddenly, I'm aware of dad close behind me and my movements had taken on the slow, underwater quality again. I skillfully but slowly scale a high wooden gate. As soon as I drop to the other side and start running, dad walks through the same gate, close behind. My heart takes a leap. Don't let him touch me, I think. I'm sure he has me now but I reach the next gate untouched and scale it slowly and expertly. This time, dad walked through the gate as I was climbing it. I come down awkwardly in the snow. My breath stops in my throat and dad touches my arm. No! I was so close to the light in the window. Uncle Ralph shouts in the distance: 'you know, it would have been faster if you had of walked through the gates instead of climbing them.' I'm very scared, but when I don't immediately die, dad tells me that I can go back to my time of birth and switch with another baby. 'It won't be so bad,' he says. 'You'll start a whole new life with different parents and we'll get a different kid. It's better than being dead.' I consider the offer...



August 18, 1999.

1) Vague. One dream in three parts, I think. Either that or three closely related dreams. I guess it doesn't matter much. I arrive at a high-tech institution of some sort and see Greg and Scott arriving there too. Excited, I say 'hey Greg, I thought you were still in Germany.' He says something about coming home early because there was something wrong with his mom.

2) Inside the institution, a bunch of people are with me. We are playing a large, full-scale game of chess where we are each a different piece and we can only walk according to the rules. I am a castle and can only walk straight ahead, behind or across. It was especially hard because the floor was like a factory. It was not checkered. The setting was like the video game Quake II and there were those kind of power ups everywhere. One time Matt and I were propelled upward to the ceiling towards some power up, and we were amazed at how high the facility was.

3) The factory is now completely empty save for dad and I. I'm leading him through it to the stairs. On the second floor, his friends are waiting for a surprise retirement party. There are some of his favourite cookies on a table, but he passes them by as we walk. As he reaches the stairs, though, he realizes what is going on.



August 19, 1999.

1) Vivid. I am a fugitive on the run, and the feeling is one of extreme excitement. The entire city of Guelph is looking for me. But, again and again, I narrowly escape capture. I'm always on foot, slinking around the city or running from someone. I do have friends who help but not many and I don't recognize those that helped. I remember dodging people downtown in an old office building. At one point I plunge into the river beside the Boathouse, then walk up onto the bank of the river and into the forest. I almost get caught then but I warded people off with a saw. The my rag-tag group of allies and I make it to some secured, institution-like building with a security guard. We steal his card and use it to gain access to a flight of stairs leading down to the facility. 

2) Semi-vivid. Ted and Chris are over at my house and for a sleepover. They're here because I managed to take a set of shelves that used to be at my cottage and I set them up in my room. I put a TV, a Nintendo and a VCR on all of the shelves. My room was bigger and finished with wood and I thought it would make a great hangout place for a night. But all they wanted to do was eat Kraft Dinner and go downstairs to the living room. I got really upset and angry about that.



August 20, 1999. Semi-vivid.

John and I come back to my house trying to find out how to beat a video game. We look at the manual and see that it clearly tells us exactly what to do to beat it. We are disappointed that the booklet would tell us so plainly. John, Matt and I discover that many booklets to many games tell us this clearly. My house is suddenly full of people, so instead of beating the video game there, we leave. John tells me to follow him along a straight path, using strange, hunched over creatures as markers. He says to just keep walking from creature to creature in a straight line and I'll be fine, so I do.



August 23, 1999.

1) Vague. Watching TV on an overhead screen in my grade 6 classroom. The lights are off. John sits beside me and there are two people after him, and then a friend of Jacqueline's and Jackie herself on the far side. Jackie and I were joking about how the people in this one news program were all part of a cult. We're watching TV and John and I are laughing loudly. The scary-looking male teacher walks over, picks John and another person up out of their chairs by their shirts, and throws them in the back. Without thinking I yell at the teacher: 'Hey you could just ask them to move! You don't need to throw them.'

2) Vague. Some criminal mastermind thought he had set up this large, impenetrable fortress, with metal detectors and things. However, I walked right through all the traps because I only had a chunk of wood and couldn't be detected.



August 24, 1999. Vague.

Mrs. Reeve is teaching drama at Ross for Matt's last year. I'm also in that drama class, although it's only my second year. There are all of Matt's university friends there too and he's excited to see them. For some reason, I have a bad feeling Mrs. Reeve wants to exploit Matt's acting talents, as I know she remembers us from Edward Johnson. After the first class, she asks the everyone to meet at her house for the next class. We all show up, but Mrs. Reeve locked her door so we had to wait until she came. Once inside, she only wanted to see Matt act, so I just played with her dog.



August 27, 1999.

1) Very vague. Outside, on the scaffold of a building, trying to get higher, level by level, with a group of my peers. I can't remember who was there, but there was a lot of mistrust and plotting.

2) Semi-vivid. For some reason I'm sent back to kindergarten in Edward Johnson. I walk around the school and then enter through the kindergarten doors by the parking lot. I arrive with a sheet of paper explaining I'm supposed to be here. I sit down on the couch beside the children. They are happy and laughing. The teaching assistant takes the kids away so I could talk to the teacher myself. I get the feeling that she is going to suggest skipping me a few grades... to OAC, actually.

3) Vague. Myself and a group of university guys are in a class with an old black professor who goes from historical site to historical site, and digs them up so they're as good as new, and teaches us about them. It is a fantastic, interesting class, but the other guys don't appreciate it. So when we are exploring an old army base underground, I grab a metal, square flame-thrower and try to burn up my other class-mates.



August 28, 1999. Vivid.

I see a car, from behind and slightly above, driving down the highway to Rockwood. It is a clear, hot summer's afternoon and I am driving the car with another guy who is a friend of mine. We are driving to Eden Mills, and to Jackie's house. I see the car below and I follow it all the way from Guelph to her house. We drive to her place and go around the back, which is a large, multi-coloured porch. She comes out, and we surprise her. She is glad to see us and glad for our company, seeing as she was alone. I realize that she thinks I'm blind, because I've always pretended I couldn't see around her so I could feel the features of her face and get a feel for what she looked like. I asked her if I could do that now, just to refresh my memory. She said that would be fine. But as I slowly feel her face, I see that she has bruises and scars all over her forehead and cheeks. As my fingers lightly brush over them, I ask her about the marks. 'Nobody's hitting you are they?' I ask. She swears no one is.



August 31, 1999. Vague.

I'm inside a video game racing against someone else. I'm in a small room, everything is metal and grayish blue. I'm supposed to look for something in the room that looks like it has no bottom but really it's a hole into the next level. The guy I'm playing against is in a separate room that is exactly the same. I jump inside of a big pail hoping I'll fall through into the next level but it had a bottom. At last I worm my way underneath a metal box and fall through the floor into the next level. My opponent found the opening at the exact same time I did, however, and we fall through together.


September 1999

September 1, 1999. Vague.

Matt was talking to this bigger, blonde-haired girl who, along with Matt, was in some sort of two-person drama competition. Some rumour got started that they were fooling around on the porch of a portable. Matt swears this isn't true and goes over to Kelly to tell her so. She is very thankful that he confronted her.



September 3, 1999.

1) Vague. My new english class for grade 12 meeting outside on the field behind Edward Johnson. My teacher is Mrs. Lyall from King George. Instead of english, she wants us to play baseball. She designates me pitcher because I've pitched before. Everyone else has to kick a soccer ball so Mrs. Lyall can see how good they are. I get nervous about pitching because I don't want to hit any of my classmates. So I ask her if someone else could pitch. She says fine, and I step up to kick the soccer ball but everyone keeps grabbing me and when I try to kick, I mess up. Mrs. Lyall now thinks I'm bad at english.

2)Semi-vivid. Greg and I hanging out under the train tracks at the bottom of Gordon. A car pulls up and Chris comes out. There's a girl beside him, still in the car. He closes the door and the car drives off. He's wearing glasses but he puts on a bigger pair over top of the ones he's already wearing. I yell 'Chris wears glasses, Chris wears glasses! Sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn't! Chris wears glasses!' He walks past and Greg says 'Sex, sex. Why didn't you ask that girl for sex?' Chris says 'What if I try to make a meaningful relationship? What's that worth?' and he walks away. 'Nothing!' I shout. 'Well,' Greg says, 'it's worth something. But not as much as sex.'



September 6, 1999.

1) Semi-vivid. Arriving in Toronto with my parents. I tell them that this trip won't be very exciting because I want to hit all the same stores I did last time I was here. First stop – World's Biggest Bookstore. Inside, I spot Matt and say 'Hey, it's Matt!' He seems uninterested and not surprised to meet us in Toronto.

2) Semi-vivid. Walking into my english class on the first day of grade 12. I see Jackie and sit beside her. She then moves her desk beside Hilary McDonald's, but she beckons me to move mine too, so we can still sit together. When I move, I see that the sides of her head have been shaved, like DeNiro in Taxi Driver. Then the teachers asks me to read something out loud, and I have to lean over to read from Hilary's book. I have a lot of trouble because I can't see it well. I pull my own book out of my bag, but I still have major difficulty. A feeling of great embarrassment.

3) Vague. I'm in the basement. The lights are off. There are two watches sitting on the computer desk. They remind me of John's new watch. I think that we must not get out new lockers til tomorrow. I notice the garbage is back where it used to be – beside the fruit cellar. It is overflowing with bits of grey things, almost like dust.



September 7, 1999.

1) Very vague. At school, sitting at fancy, square dinner tables in an elegent classroom. We're being divided into groups and leaving, and I am sure that Dolores from the Cranberries will be in one of the groups. It turns out she's not in the room. I got everyone's hopes up for nothing. I start to tap my hand on the table in a beat, and this guy at another table copies my beat, overpowering me. I think, Wow, I remember when Dolores used to come over to my house for lunch and now look at me. And then I have an image of her in my dining room.

2) Vague. Having to go to the washroom badly. When I flush the toilet, it overflows, spilling crap all over my bathroom floor. Uncle Bruce comes in and tells me not to worry, that he'll clean it up.



September 8, 1999.

1) Vague. Matt, Craig and I in the kitchen. The lights are off. Craig says something about my different personalities, and Matt says 'Yeah, you wouldn't believe the stories I have of him changing when he's drunk!' I realise that Matt said that very loudly, and Craig checks the hall to the bathroom, to make sure dad wasn't around. He was. He sends me up to bed, asking 'You haven't started drinking again, have you?'

2) Very vague. Walking through an elegant hall with Greg to his class. I told him he looked like Ricky Martin and he took offense. We arrive in the classroom and there are 100s of people at desks, all facing front. Greg takes a desk near the front, Corey and I sit off to the side.



September 9, 1999.

Semi-vivid. Batman giving me the powers of Superman to go to a fortress in a field and retrieve the real Superman's hat. I get the hat but fly away, so I can continue to use the powers. Then dad, Matt and I are at a bar, and I fly into a car, destroying it. I fly away before being chased by the police. Instead I'm chased by other, real, flying superheros. My flying technique was that I had to let one part of my body float up, then I could go straight.



September 14, 1999.

1) Semi-vivid. At a party at Luke's. There are all these beautiful girls there. They look like the people from the gap ads. John was making it with one of the girls, and Luke was somewhere else with another girl. They had been to parties like this before, but it was my first time, and I wondered how I'd get a girl.

2) Vague. Luke, John and me at a computer in somebody's house. Suddenly it starts to pour rain and John wants to go outside in it. I agree, but go to the washroom first.

3) Vague. Looking at snapshots of a party Greg and Don were at.



September 16, 1999. Vague.

Matt and I driving back to our house in the van. For some reason, Matt put makeup on his face to make it seem like he was a zombie, and he made his nose really big and gross-looking. We were stopped at a corner, and Ms. St. Jean and a friend of hers came walking by. Matt knew the friend and so opened the slider door to talk to them. As we were talking, I thought, Oh jeez, Matt, your face. They'll think you're ugly!



September 17, 1999.

1) Vivid. Very realistic. Waking up at 8:36pm and realizing I had overslept Luke's party. Panicking, I run around my room, throwing on clothes and trying to figure out a plan of what to do. I look at the clock beside my bed and I realize that I have also neglected to meet Heather at 5. My heart beats strong as I run downstairs.

2) Vague. Greg, myself and the group walking inside a giant, open structure much like Goldie Mill, except a little bit more well-kept. We are looking for something to do or someone we know, and we see a girl leaning against a single street light inside the Mill. We walked closer, wondering who it was, when she said 'It's me. Fun Faye.' And then we saw that it was Faye Darmon, and we sat beneath the streetlight with her.



September 21, 1999. Vague.

My dad and I watching a commercial about Dennis Rodman's recently improved love life. The watching Rodman's talk show, where he's supposed to ask the 10 questions that the tutors have in their English Tutor Handbook on the passage about lizards. Instead, he asks everyone about their love life, and compares it to his.



September 22, 1999. Vague.

Playing in some kind of basketball game inside a secret, elegant club. There was a woman who was overseeing the game. I didn't know her. Part way through I said something to Erin about the game. Afterwards, we were all gathered around the woman and she was giving a speech about how the game went. There were these two really tall women with light brown hair and wearing skimpy, black leather. They were like guards. Then Gabe said something racist, and everybody groaned.



September 28, 1999.

1) Semi-vivid. Walking alone at night around a mill. I see Heather's van drive by to pick me up, but I run from it. On the other side of the will, I see the van again and run. Finally, the van pulls up and Heather gets out, wearing a large blue sweater, and we hug. She asks me why I was running from her and I say I was just goofing around. We get in the van, ready to go and meet others, when Heather reminds me it's Mother's Day. I had forgotten, but that's alright since Mother's Day festivities take place in the night anyway.

2) Vague. Arriving downtown in the day. Meeting Greg and company. We seemed to be on the top of a large parking garage. There's a bank up there, and I have to go in it and get something.

3) Semi-vivid. Going to my english class and everyone there is unknown to me – even the teacher. Ms. St. Jean is sitting at a desk, and I asked her hopefully if she was teaching the class, or if she was just here. She said she was just here. There was some discussion going on in the class. Then the image of me in a crowded hall, not knowing anyone, and then seeing Faye.

4) Semi-vivid. Anne, Don, David P and I walking down the deserted art hall towards Anne's van. I take her knapsack from her. Don says that we have to stop at Tim Horton's first, for David. And David says something about Tim Horton's destroying him. None of us really wanted him with us.


October 1999

October 3, 1999. Vivid.

Anne, myself and someone else, maybe Greg, decide to walk back to Rockwood at night. We walk through a winding path through hilly terrain and snow-covered evergreens. There is snow everywhere and we often venture off the path, falling and playing on the hills and meeting with the path again. There is a body of water to our left that sometimes the path will run beside, or it will turn back into the hills. Anne and I see a man going the other way, and he tells us we'd better stick to the path. Then I get an idea. I remember Uncle Ralph and the family had recently moved into an old house somewhere near – a house that's mostly underwater. I decide we should visit it, saying that it's coming up soon, about halfway to Rockwood. Anne agrees readily enough, but Greg is reluctant. In the end, he comes along too. Then we see the house – long, two-storied, wooden – and we see that it starts here on land, and then disappears, moving out to the water. We can see a bit of a ceiling/balcony sticking above the water, and further out we see just the top of a wooden trapdoor that seems to be floating on the water, but really hides a stairway into the rest of the house. It must be big if it goes all the way out there, to the trap door, I thought. We arrive at the base of the house, and climb the stairs up to the ceiling/balcony to sit. We see a small child out on top of the trap door, busy trying to catch something. The the rest of the family comes up to where we are, and we all sit down, watching a TV that suddenly appeared on top of the house. It's a movie starring Jerry Seinfeld and Harrison Ford. I begin to get restless, wanting to see the inside of the submerged house. I ask when I'll get the big tour. Uncle Ralph says that the quickest way to get inside would be down the trap door, but I didn't know how. But I got up and swam to the trap door anyway, opened, and climbed down the stairs, almost falling off but not quite. I found a room that looks like a dark storage room with lots of odds and ends. I leave that room by its only door and into a larger room that appears to be the living room. The whole house is rather dim, very musty and dusty and very brown. Just about everything is wooden. There is a large TV in the living room, showing the movie that we were all watching earlier. Harrison and Jerry seem to be acting out in the movie exactly what I'm doing right now. I go into a smaller room off the living room. It is bare and looks like an unfurnished spare room. There is a window and I rush over, hoping to see submerged marine life outside, but it is only the yard on the part of the house that is on land. I leave the room and go outside onto a porch through a small door. I walk around the yard for a bit but go back inside and see Uncle Ralph talking to the kid who was on top of the trap door. Uncle Ralph says 'are you sure these are the ones that I gave you?' The child nods. 'Alright then. I didn't want to take anything from you that wasn't mine in the first place.' The kid leaves and I see Uncle Ralph has taken a handful of earwig-like bugs from him. He then takes off his boots, drops in the disgusting bugs, the puts back on the boot, saying that he won't lose them this way. Then we go upstairs to the kitchen. There's a door in the kitchen but it leads to the land as well. Uncle Ralph tells me that he worried that he maybe didn't make the right move moving his family out here to this house. I start to think that he's right. I look into the master bedroom. There a fan in the room and a window that looks onto the land. Desperately wanting to see a window that looks underwater, like an aquarium, I get frustrated. Then I think, of course! I just have to go lower into the house.



October 4, 1999. Semi-vivid.

At E.L. Fox Auditorium for a big production of something. Lots of people there. There's a rumour going around that there is an E.L. Fox ghost stalking the halls – a midget. At first I don't believe it, but I am caught alone in the halls, and I see him. He also has a wife, and they can appear and disappear at will. I try to run away but they have some sort of mysterious hold on me. Once, I broke away from them, and ran out the door. I almost made it home but it turns out they were aliens, not ghosts, and they came in a spaceship and took me away.



October 6, 1999.

1) Semi-vivid. Walking down the hallway near the quad door, and seeing everybody sitting there. Liz Powell was there, beside Robin, and I sat down between them. I gave Liz a really surprised look but she looked back without saying anything, so I leaned over and jokingly said to Robin 'is that Elizabeth P?' At that she laughed and said hi. I told her that I was excited she was back and that I was planning a trip to Montreal on the march break. She was pleased and then said something like she was lonely, and looked sad. I grabbed one of her very small feet comfortingly, but she yelled at me saying 'don't touch me. I hate you.' I couldn't tell if she was joking or not.

2) Semi-vivid. I'm in the drama room for something and all the musical stands are in there too. I remember that Heather wanted a music stand, and when Slater and John left, a grabbed one and ran out. I even passed Mr. Cherry, but he didn't say anything.



October 10, 1999. Semi-vivid.

Dad and I driving out to pick-up Corey because he and I were planning on seeing a movie. The whole time I'm feeling very uneasy because I'm surprised that dad is letting me go. At the last minute I realize Corey is at work, so we drive there to get him. Corey works at a garage, but for some reason it is located on a beach. Everyone around him is wearing bathing suits and Corey is in dirty blue overalls. The three of us go to a picnic table and Corey and I start talking about what movie we'd like to see.



October 14, 1999. Semi-vivid.

I'm in a tour group with a bunch of tourists who are sight-seeing the video game Doom. I, however, am actually in the video game and try to break away from the group to get ahead of them so I can get guns or a key or something. I start early, before them, and go into a basement-like complex and get a key. Then I go into the arena area where the bad guys are, on different levels. I die and have to start again with the tour group. Again I get ahead of them and run into Heather P and Corey in the same room. Corey was pretending to be a dog, and sleeping in Heather's lap. Then I made it to the head guy's office, on the top floor. I was scared and thought I was in trouble, but then I remembered that this was just a dream, so I jumped out the window and got that extreme feeling of falling.



October 16, 1999.

1) Semi-vivid. Through some kind of accident or bizarre circumstance, Katrina and I became boyfriend and girlfriend. She called me up, saying we should probably talk about the situation. I suggested Town and Country, and Brandon and I walked over to her house. I met her whole family and then we all started to walk to the restaurant. It was winter and we were all dressed in winter coats, trudging through the snow at night. At one point, when everyone was waiting to cross the street, Katrina and I ran ahead, nearly getting hit by a car in the process. Her parents won't be too impressed with that, I thought. Then I was back at her house at night. We were sitting outside and when she went inside, I raked half of her yard and planted some kind of seed her dad wanted to plant. Then she came back outside and jumped down beside me, knocking us over. We sat together, looking at the night for a while, and then we grabbed shovels and went into the forest area beside her house, killing all the crickets we could find. I wanted to stay sitting beside each other, but I went into the forest eventually.

2) Vague. Knowing that I won't be doing anything for the night, I find Golden Axe 64 and the old, arcade ninja game in a video store to rent.



October 17, 1999. Semi-vivid.

I'm in the cafeteria in the morning with John but not at the usual table. I have my feet up on the table, really relaxed, and Jacqueline walks by. I say something casual and then I'm leaving the caf, and as I walk down the hall, I see Mr. Clark, who had just done something good and was getting his congratulations today. When we passed each other, he looked really shy like he didn't want me to notice him. Then I continued past to my locker from grade 11.



October 18, 1999.

1) Semi-vivid. Greg and I walking downtown. Heather and Jacqueline are ahead of us. It's nighttime but for some reason reality feels different, fake, almost like a video game. Everything is at strange angles and strangely lit. Spontaneously, I start to dance ahead of Greg, up to where Jackie is. I have an umbrella and the ability to do amazing movements. Jackie sees me and starts to do it herself, with her own umbrella. We are having a great time, having a dancing call and answer with each other, laughing all the while. When we finally do reach downtown, Jack and Heather are gone and it's just me and Greg. Reality is still askew and Greg tells me that this world and what is happening is a play that he wrote because he didn't like the school play. Suddenly reality being strange like it is and the weird stuff going on seems perfectly logical because it's part of his play. Even me and Jackie's dance routine was part of the play. I'm slightly disappointed about that.

2) Semi-vivid. Playing a strange game in somebody's house, in which you're supposed to catch people inside the house, but whenever I'm inside, everyone else is hiding outside. I phone my parents and they tell me to walk home when I'm done. The it's nighttime and Laura E, Greg and others are waiting outside the front of the house. They were still playing the game. Then Laura's van comes to pick her up. The side door is open, and as soon as Laura gets in she tells her dad to drive away fast so that she won't have to drive anyone home. As the van pulls away, Greg jumps and grabs onto the handle of the open door and pulls himself in. With a sigh, Laura says 'fine. Anyone else need a ride?' Everyone else immediately jumps into the van but I stay standing. 'Ben, are you coming?' 'No thanks,' I say. 'Great, thanks Ben!' she says with a smile and then drives off. That's fine, I think. I'll just wait for my parents to come. Then I think, did they say they were coming to get me, or did they tell me to walk home? I then remember they told me to walk, but I realize I don't know where I am. I'm suddenly very lonely and it's dark, and I think, maybe I should have gotten in Laura's van.



October 21, 1999.

1) Very vague. I'm in the parking lot of Zellers. Hawk is sitting there in a chair, reading my poem. He says he likes it and then his wife shows up.

2) Very vague. In the doorway to the kitchen, and I learn that John won't be coming to Greg's show tonight. Instead, he's hanging with Luke. So my dad and I go to this new Mexican restaurant on the other side of town.

3) Very vague. Something about Matt in a parking garage.

4) Vague. Me, Mr. Slater, and a bunch of other people hanging out in a room that connects to the drama room. We're having a discussion and then we start talking about how Mr. Slater always has to lock Nathan P in the storage closet.



October 26, 1999.

1) Vague. Everyone is on a trip to a zoo that looks like Jurassic Park. I can't remember much, except meeting up with Erin and Karolina and sneaking around the park, amazed. Then, seeing Corey and Greg through the windows of a gift shop. We run up to them and it turns out they're shoplifting from the store.

2) Vague. Going into a church that had been converted into a bookstore. But there are all these chairs set up, like they're having a meeting in there today. I tell them that I made a mistake, but they say that I'm supposed to be there. 'No,' I say, and walk out the onto the street. There, somebody gives me a note saying that I should go back in because they need me in there.

3) Semi-vivid. Having a detention that has to be served in a porn director's house. The house is full of people and I just walk around for my detention. The house has low ceilings and light blue walls. I remember not wanting to be seen here. Then I am on my front porch arriving home to an empty house after my detention. There are leaves everywhere because it's a beautiful autumn day. I suddenly get an idea. For my detentions, maybe I could star in one of the director's movies. Excited, I start to walk back to the house but I run into all the Lancaster cousins and uncles and aunts, who look like they have just come from a funeral, and I can't leave my porch.

4) Vague. Going into a convenience store to buy a pack of cigarettes with Greg. There is a humungous cigar on the counter and Greg tells me to buy that instead.



October 27, 1999.

1) Vague. I'm in a hotel lobby with some guy who 's 20 something. I'm there because of some family gathering. The man asks me to go up to his hotel room with him quickly before I go back to my family. I said I would but only because I was 'extremely horny, I'm not gay or anything.' The man just laughed. Next thing I knew I was in a dark hotel room and Christina Ricci was lying naked on the bed. I was stunned, so I started talking to her about Sleepy Hollow. We were having a discussion when the man, now Jason M, comes out of the bathroom and starts having sex with Christina. I'm just left standing there.

2) Very Vague. I'm watching a clip of a movie, maybe Lord of the Flies. It is a sunny day in a forest and there is an enormous, ugly pig chasing down a little boy. The boy comes up to a dead end, and he turns around to see that the pig is really normal-sized and it was all in his mind.



October 28, 1999.

1) Semi-vivid. Going into a brightly lit classroom with Mr. Slater and Mrs. McKewan to have my Intimate Betrayal audition. They ask me to recite a scene, and I'm so nervous that I really mess it up. Slater comes up to me (he is thinner and wearing a beige suit) and tells me that they're going to have to let me go. I was so devastated.

2) Vague. Inside the drama class and Slater keeps saying that class will be conducted on only the left side of the room. Heather R was working technical support.

3) Very Vague. Standing around in the foyer in a circle. For some reason Jacqueline was hugging everyone and she hugged me so hard that I fell to the ground with her. 'Jackie,' I said, 'take it easy. Mike's right there.'



October 30, 1999. Semi-vivid.

Watching bits of a video game, very similar to Final Fantasy 3. All of a sudden I'm actually existing in the video game. It is me and a partner whose identity I have forgotten, in an airport lounge fighting small, bald men with white shirts. The lounge is like a pub, small and warmly lit. We go outside and the entire ground is absolutely covered in raw sewage. I keep hitting the little men with chairs, and a hit point of 20 comes up on their chests, but they won't die. So my partner and I decide to to throw them down 2 open well shafts that lead down into a much deeper pool of raw sewage. So we throw them down, but they still won't die. We can hear the walking around beneath. I consider going down after them, but decide against it.



October 31, 1999.

1) Vague. On top of a building at night, there were these big lumps of garlic bread that I had to match up on top of each shape so they would cook right. The whole top of the building was a frying pan.

2) Vague. Waiting in line to get into an amusement park. I was with my brother and I was wearing a red dress over top of a pair of jean, and they wouldn't let me into the park.


November 1999

November 3, 1999. Semi-vivid.

Running into Johnny K at school and learning that Cam was not actually dead but just had a lot of broken bones and was in a sling. Then I saw Cam and tried to hug him but his arm was in a sling, and I didn't want to hurt him. Standing on a stage in an assembly, introducing Cam's return to school.



November 4, 1999.

1) Semi-vivid. On stage of the gym I'm rehearsing Intimate Betrayal. Slater kept asking me to enter and exit, climbing over an orange staircase (from the drama room). I kept falling, or it wasn't working out for some reason, and I felt really embarrassed.

2) Semi-vivid. Pete and I walking through a construction site that seems to be abandoned. We comment on how the place looks like a stage from Golden Eye. Then we hide under a bridge from workers dressed in Halloween costumes. We see a ledge underneath that had a surveillance camera hooked up. Pete said we should switch it with a camera that he had. We got started and then a woman worker came underneath and caught us. Immediately Pete ran away and asked me to follow, bringing his camera. I did, and we started to slow up, thinking she wasn't following. Then she caught up to us and said 'what's the matter, you don't think girls can run?' That scared us pretty badly and we started to run away again. We ended up climbing these stairs until we were in an attic.



November 13, 1999.

1) Semi-vivid. Entering my room and realizing that my stereo system has been split into thin levels and place on top of each other. There is also new equipment and the entire top shelf is filled with audio equipment. I asked somebody what they all do.

2) Semi-vivid. John and I leave school during an Intimate Betrayal rehearsal and go downtown. We come back just as the rehearsal is finishing, but we can't tell if Slater noticed or not. I go downstairs in the school, which looks like the hallways of GCVI, and enter a huge red washroom. The tiles are red, the floor, the ceiling, and I wonder why all the washrooms in the school aren't this big.



November 14, 1999. Vague.

Arriving at church and as everyone is getting out of their cars, they are all talking about how they liked the movie There's Something About Mary.



November 15, 1999.

1) Semi-vivid. I'm working at some sort of event outdoors. For some reason I have to take off everyone's clothes. The ugly blonde-haired girl in my English class thought I was coming on to her. She was telling me better ways to take her shirt off. Then I went and sat beside Paloma and Greg. Gabe asked Greg if it had been awhile... and Greg said 'yeah I guess.' So Gabe stood up, grabbed a scarf, and started doing this seductive dance. He had on sun glasses and a mesh shirt and we were killing ourselves laughing.

2) Vague. A snake crept into my room through my window. I grabbed it but it just managed to get one fang into my hand. I knew I was dead because I had been warned about the snakes and it had happened before. I started smashing the snake's head against the wall.



November 19, 1999. Vague.

Playing on my dad's Fatman's team. I kept screwing up and I was worried Steve Q was going to be mad at me.



November 22, 1999. Very Vague.

Luke standing on top of a ladder in EL Fox, doing something with the lights. 'This looks wrong,' I say, worried. 'It looks so right,' Luke replies and I leave the auditorium. I walk through the halls and see Natalie D and Jacqueline. Then I go outside to the back of the school and see Brandon. I have a tough time getting up the hill, but he does fine.



November 23, 1999.

1) Vague. Upstairs in Luke's sister's room. There are clothes thrown all over the floor. She comes upstairs and tells me to make sure I compliment Anne on her hair colour. I said I would and when Anne came upstairs to get me, I told her I liked her hair – it was a lighter brown and covered by a cowboy hat. She was very grateful I said something.

2) Vague. Outside on someone's yard. There's a giant crater in the ground. The gang is just looking down into it. Chris K jumps down inside it and invites me to follow. I do and it turns out that the entire crater is filled with second-hand clothing, so I help myself.



November 24, 1999. Very Vague.

In the tech hall at school and a bunch of people are entering a class. Somehow Jodie Foster is going to be visiting the class, and she has to have a partner. Greg and I get the idea to have Melanie H be Jodie's partner. 'It will really piss Jodie off – she hates tall girls with glasses and short hair. It'll be perfect, they're perfect opposites.' We silently slink down the hall to get Melanie in the room. Greg tells me to get back. He says the only way Sarah F won't interfere is if it's only one person who gets Mel into the class. But it was too late, and Sarah came around the corner.



November 25, 1999.

Very Vague. I'm at a huge party with a lot of people, all smoking up. Don is there and so is Luke. At one point, Luke, myself and two others were standing facing each other.

Very Vague. I'm in the mudroom and both mine and mom's purses are on the chair. I go through mine, looking for some reefer, and my parents yell from the living room 'hey! What is that? It smells like Dino's Athletics in here.'



November 30, 1999. Semi-vivid.

Over at Laura E's house, in her room, watching a movie. The house is very sparse, not a lot of furniture in the house. We're watching some movie and suddenly she has to leave with all these people. Her parents want to know where she is and if she wore her hat. I tell them I don't know where she was going, but she did have on her bandanna.


December 1999

December 1, 1999. Vague.

Contemplating punching Jay R in the face. I go over in my head what would happen if I simply decked him in the hall. I envision myself in Guidance and my parents getting involved. I decide against it.



December 3, 1999.

1) Semi-vivid. Fragmented. Images of being inside the Eaton Centre when it was completely empty, going from the top level to the bottom. Sitting in a darkened restaurant at a table in the back, beside Jacqueline. She was wearing a gorgeous blue dress.

2) Vivid. Sneaking around behind the church of our lady. I'm Patrick Stewart and I'm with Diana and someone else from Star Trek. All three of us are walking dogs and we know that Satan lives in the church. We decide to go in and I tie my dog up and leave him outside. The church looked very scary at night and on the steps lay a woman. Satan leaves the woman's body and enters mine. Now I'm Satan, and inside the huge church. The rooms are like those of a house and I kill a rat and take it into the bathroom, flushing it down the toilet. It clogs and I leave the bathroom and enter some other room where Diana and the other person are hiding. I kill the other guy and with a swipe of my hand I make Diana fall in love with me and I take her into the hall and start having sex with her. I get frustrated when I can't finish.



December 4, 1999. Semi-vivid.

Inside a video game taking place in an ice world. I have been there before but was never able to get past this one yeti. This time though, I know the special move, circle the beast while beating him down. Now I progress, and I am on horse and a white van pulls up under the stairs, and there's a detective on the couch who wants to question me about the death of the yeti. I punch the detective in the gut.



December 6, 1999.

1) Semi-vivid. Gabe and I go to a Hooked on Phonic illiteracy class to make fun of them and feel better about ourselves. We leave the place at night in the rain and the people in the class were hunting us down with guns in the rain. I heard them shoot Gabe and his dying words were 'softly, I die with my teeth beside my mouth' because they knocked his teeth out. I was so scared they would kill me, and then one of guys puts a shotgun to my head and shot me. I woke up then (I dreamt I woke up, I mean) and went down to the washroom to look at my face. I was terrified I'd be dead. My face was all white and puffy and scarred.

2) Vague. In a skit at church, everyone was put in a pen with low walls and I just sat in the corner while everyone else played instruments.



December 9, 1999.

1) Vague. Travelling to Sleepy Hollow in the black. I arrive in an old style Roman cathedral. It's not as scary in my dream as I had hoped (much like the movie), so I tried to create scary stuff in the arena, like a monstrous Johnny L, but it still wasn't scary.

2) Vague. Everyone was over at my house and everyone was drunk. It was night, we were outside, and my parents came home. Everyone ran away but Corey left two jackets and Greg and I had to take the bus down Metcalfe to catch up with him.



December 10, 1999. Vague.

Visiting another city for some sort of drama thing with Anne and Laura. We are waiting in the cafeteria when a bunch of guys come in with this girl and try to rape her. I rush over and beat them up. When I come back, Anne and Laura are really mad at me for hurting people.



December 16, 1999. Semi-vivid.

I'm at Aunt Linda's cottage up in the country with Greg and the gang. There is one door that has a lock on it and I'm not supposed to go in that room. I find a way to open the door and we hang out in the room. Later on, in that room alone with Anne and we hear Aunt Linda coming to the cottage, and we try to get all the stuff we moved into that room out before she comes in.



December 18, 1999. Very vague.

Asking the lunch gang what Super Nintendo game they want to play in my basement. Then we're all inside the checkered castle from Mario 3. The we're all sitting around thinking of something to do and I suggest my house.



December 19, 1999. Semi-vivid.

Cutting through the industrial section of Guelph by 3 Star. All the workers of the factory are outside in their assembly lines moulding white plastic bowls. One of the bowls hits me as I walk through. The foreman there sarcastically says 'Watch out for this guy as he walks through, employees. He's certainly more important than us!' Then it was night and I was sneaking around the complex, avoiding lights and security guards.



December 21, 1999. Semi-vivid.

There's a Xmas party at my house and this ant-eater keeps bothering us. The I put on a tight City of Guelph T-shirt and went to school. On the way I saw a bunch of ant-eaters in dragon heads doing a Chinese dance. The I went through a tunnel and saw the heads of my classmates floating across the road, singing. I tried my best not to step on them.



December 23, 1999. Semi-vivid.

Going back to Ross (which really looks like Bishop Mac) because I had forgotten my coat. I get it from my locker, accompanied by some guy, and I see Mrs. Scott there. Then I see Brent H coming down the hall and I say 'There's only one other person as stupid as me who would forget something at school on Christmas break – Brent H.' Then, as the three of us are leaving, we bump into Mr. E. We see another person who looks like Mr. E, they both wear glasses too, but the second one disappears. Then the original Mr. E starts yelling at me and how I've changed and who I've become. It was pretty scary, and then my nameless companion rushed Mr. E, meaning to hurt him for what he said, and I shouted at him 'I'm okay. It's not worth it.'



December 25, 1999. Vague.

Greg and I goofing around in my tutoring class. Two girls, Ken and Angela's girls I think, came up to me asking about Greg, who he was and stuff. Then we left.



December 28, 1999.Semi-vivid.

In my science class and our supply teacher is Mike B. He handed out these work sheets and told us no one could do anything else, and he wanted it silent in here! He was being so strict. I was shocked. He left the room for a bit and I snuck out of class. I was walking around outside when I ran into Mike and I said 'Mike, look, I know you can't just be like 'Everybody do what they want' when you supply teach, but this is too much. You're far too strict.' By then we were walking down a narrow, white-coloured flight of stairs.



December 29, 1999. Vague.

Anne just coming back from somewhere to find a project we'd been working on has been stolen. She first accuses me, and I'm quite hurt. 'Why would I do that? Why do you assume it was me?' I almost start to cry when I see the real thieves (who had just recently broken out of prison) and I chase them down, eventually stopping them beside Speedvale and they're arrested.

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